How Hard Water Damages Your Hair: What You Need to Know

The effects of hard water damage are not limited to chalky build-up, pipe damage, and higher energy bills. Insufficient water can also cause damage to your hair, causing it to lose its natural shine. Find out why you may have a problem with your hair and find a permanent solution.

What are the chances that hard water is damaging your hair?

How many products have you tried, yet your hair is still limp, dull, dry, or unmanageable even after trying them all? When you spend a fortune at the salon, your hair color appears to have an orange, green or brassy tint or may seem faded within days of your purchase. These problems may happen because of rough water. If you notice any of these problems, you should take steps to fix them.

What does hard water do to your hair?

Your hair can be affected by minerals found in hard water (calcium, magnesium, and iron), which makes the products you use less effective and harder to manage. Hardness minerals build up on your skin and hair, just like on your shower doors, faucets, and pipes. Besides leaving your hair feeling dry and weighed down, this build-up combines with your natural oils and can leave your scalp feeling greasy. As a result of minerals in dense water reacting with your hair products, shampoos, styling products, and chemical treatments become less effective. As a result, conditioners will not penetrate your hair follicles (feeling dry at the ends), and you will experience less lathering and ineffective cleansing. Your perm may even feel relaxed as a result.

Hair severely damaged by hard water can be fixed in four ways.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV). After you shampoo your hair and rinse it with ACV, do a final rinse to remove any harsh water minerals from your hair. It works as a hair clarifier to remove build-up and maintain the color of your hair.

Shampoo that chelates or clarifies. You should limit the use of this type of shampoo to once a week; to preserve the health of your locks, you should add an intense moisturizing conditioner to your daily routine.

Rinse with lemon or lime. When rough water and soap residue are left behind, lemon juice (or lime juice) can reduce dullness. In addition to preventing dandruff, lemon juice will make your hair shinier and minimize build-up. After shampooing, pour two tablespoons of lemon juice into a cup of warm water, slowly spraying it over your hair after allowing it to sit for at least a minute before rinsing it out thoroughly.

Water softener. With this appliance, you won’t have to buy shampoo, conditioner, or styling products again (no build-up!), and your locks will stay healthy and vibrant! The hard minerals in the water get filtered out before it reaches your shower head, so you never have to worry about dull, limp hair again.

The water-softening solution.

Using ACV shampoo and lemon rinse in the short term can improve your hair, but you’ll never be entirely free. Your household and your hair will benefit from a water softener 24/7. Ordering a FREE water test is a great place to start on your way to softer, healthier hair. After testing your water, we’ll know your hard water number and decide which water softener is right for you. Contact Us Today!

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