Protect Your Water Supply With Backflow Preventer Services
We provide backflow preventer services, including installation, repair, and certification. When it comes to backflow preventer services, ensuring that these devices are properly installed, inspected, and tested is essential to prevent the contamination of water sources.

Protect Your Water Supply With Backflow Preventer Services
We provide backflow preventer services, including installation, repair, and certification. When it comes to backflow preventer services, ensuring that these devices are properly installed, inspected, and tested is essential to prevent the contamination of water sources.
Preventer Installation, Testing, & Repair
A backflow preventer system protects local water supply from being contaminated. At Berks Water Technology, our certified technicians can professionally install a new device that will prevent backflowing of contaminated water into the water supply. During installation, factors such as device type, location, and sizing are carefully considered to meet regulatory standards and ensure the best performance.
Yearly recertification is also necessary to verify the backflow preventer functionality and compliance with federal and local regulations. Our team can also assist with identifying potential issues and making repairs to devices that are currently in place.